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Met in the most unique way. Tim, Takyiwah, Kiralie, Kimara, Kilan, & Kivana. Living life to the fullest

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Its very amazing that is already 26 weeks into this pregnancy thing. We can't believe we are more than half way through it. Its gone by so fast that I wonder where I have been all these weeks.

As we sat at the table for lunch today and pondering how the year fast the year has gone by, we realized that, we have been blessed abundantly this year. So many things that we weren't expecting this year have happened. We have a beautiful home in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood and we are expecting our first. Its not like we never talked about all these. We did but it all seemed very far of. Not to mention the scary tumor that I(Takyiwah) had to get removed.
Wow! We have had one heck of a year. But the good things is, it ending in a very wonderful way, that we both couldn't ask for anything better.

We just began the rest of our lives together and we know its not going to get any easier. But we have each other and the gospel and these little ones that will be joining us from time to time to get us through. And we are sure going to try to cherish every passing moment cos they sure go by fast.

We are looking forward to this coming year and all the fun and exciting and challenges it will throw our way. Especially being new parents and the sleepless nights and the fun that comes with all that. And who knows what else this coming year will bring. What ever it is, we know it will be worth it in the end, just as this year has been.
We couldn't have made it through without our Heavenly father and the wonderful relationships that we have in our families and friends. We appreciate you all for the strength and support that you have been to us in our hard and lowly times. We hope we can also be there when the time comes for us to lend a helping hand.

We wish you all a happy new year! And hope that 2010 brings many wonderful experiences and great joy to everyone. We love you dearly.

The Parcells


Our little nest in the making!

Its been so exciting these past couple of weeks. I have been feeling so much better and been doing so much. We have already started to buy some baby stuff and trying hard to furnish the NEST. Its been a little frustrating though. But its very nice to try and make the room ready for baby. Its been a lot of fun putting all these stuff together. Its like another bonding experience for mum and dad before baby comes. Its a wonderful time for us. And we couldn't ask for anything better.

                                                                             It's been very exciting to pick out the sheets and bedding and the furniture. I really love the cherry furniture that we decided to go with.                                 

We got some baby gear also. We have  stroller and  car seat that I couldn't photograph because I'm too lazy to go to the basement. But, I here is the...

three in one swing that I so love

and the playard with a bassinet and changing table that she will use for the first
couple of weeks in mummy and daddy's room.

And I love this particular one so much. This is for making bath time fun time.
Am sure she is going to love it.

I am very excited and can't wait for or little girl to come. But I guess I have 17 more weeks to go. Its been fun getting ready and prepared for our little girl. Am proud of what we have been able to achieve in this first phase of preparation. Am excited to get the cutest clothes and socks and bibs and burp cloths. Will leave that for the second phase of preparation. Right now, am going to concentrate and making a special blankie for my girl before she comes.
We can't wait to meet her.


my baby bump!

I am about 21 weeks pregnant now and the pregnancy is going really great. Didn't have a bump about three weeks ago. But I have one now. It looks like our little missy just decided to show all of  a sudden. It isn't that big so people aren't confident to ask about it yet.

Another special incident that has happened is that, on Sunday, Nov. 22, I felt our baby's first kicks and it has continued since. It isn't very hard and painful but kind of weird. Unfortunately, Tim hasn't been able to feel it cos the baby stops all activity when he feels my bump.

We are very excited to get the nursery ready for our little angel. We have the crib and changing table all set up and also the car seat. I am especially excited to get everything together for baby to come. My printer still sucks so I am not able to post ultra sound pictures yet. Hopefully we will get a new one soon and post them.

                                                                    After church!

                                                                       My bump!



Words cannot describe how blessed and excited we are for this opportunity to become parents. We had our ultrasound yesterday morning and found out that, little Parcell is going to be a GIRL! Yay! And so we have to start thinking about girl names. This baby is a kicker. And am dreading the day I will start to feel those kicks. But everyone tells me that," I will enjoy it". Now, I know exactly what am going to shop for and am going to hit the stores soon. I think she going to be a very cute caramel baby maybe with blue eyes like her dad :)
We just can't wait to meet the little princess that is going to cause us sleepless nights. But hey, she is ours and we love her and we think she will be worth every sleepless night.
My scanner isn't scanning the ultrasound pictures really good and the best part is, they are mostly blurry from all the activity little missy was doing. Will find a good one and post those cute pictures.
Ooh! And I have a little bump now. Not very prominent for people to start asking about, but enough for me to know that my cutie is making room for herself.

If you come up with cute baby names that you think will be fitting for our princess, let us know. We will love to sample all those names



Well, its about time we let everyone know that , there is going to be a little Parcell joining the family soon. We found out about three months ago during a doctors visit. It was shocking but not unexpected.
We found out about three weeks later that I had a pancreatic tumor that had to be removed. That made it very hard to tell anyone about the pregnancy. We knew that there was the risk of loosing the baby because I had to be put under. I am grateful to all of u whose prayers were with us during this time. The surgery went great and the baby and I came out just fine.
The recovery from the surgery wasn't easy, but I can say the worst is over.

I think it is about time we started enjoying my pregnancy like every first mum and dad would. We don't know what we will be having yet, but we will find out next week. I am especially excited to go shopping for baby stuff and also to have a baby shower. And I think I know the perfect person for that.(Sher)
I wish I could add a picture to this post to that everyone can see my cute baby bump but unfortunately, I do not have one yet. But I promise to post a picture of me immediately I start poking out.

We am so grateful to the Parcell family: mum and dad, Toby and Sher and the boys for all the help and support. I am especially grateful to Effie and the fam for driving up all the time to feed my cravings.
We are looking forward to posting more in the weeks and months to come.

Takyiwah Parcell