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Met in the most unique way. Tim, Takyiwah, Kiralie, Kimara, Kilan, & Kivana. Living life to the fullest

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Well, its about time we let everyone know that , there is going to be a little Parcell joining the family soon. We found out about three months ago during a doctors visit. It was shocking but not unexpected.
We found out about three weeks later that I had a pancreatic tumor that had to be removed. That made it very hard to tell anyone about the pregnancy. We knew that there was the risk of loosing the baby because I had to be put under. I am grateful to all of u whose prayers were with us during this time. The surgery went great and the baby and I came out just fine.
The recovery from the surgery wasn't easy, but I can say the worst is over.

I think it is about time we started enjoying my pregnancy like every first mum and dad would. We don't know what we will be having yet, but we will find out next week. I am especially excited to go shopping for baby stuff and also to have a baby shower. And I think I know the perfect person for that.(Sher)
I wish I could add a picture to this post to that everyone can see my cute baby bump but unfortunately, I do not have one yet. But I promise to post a picture of me immediately I start poking out.

We am so grateful to the Parcell family: mum and dad, Toby and Sher and the boys for all the help and support. I am especially grateful to Effie and the fam for driving up all the time to feed my cravings.
We are looking forward to posting more in the weeks and months to come.

Takyiwah Parcell