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The joy of the Gospel

Being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is especially important for us on fast and testimony Sundays. We get to share our testimony with our brothers and sisters in our ward and also our family.
I always find it a little hard to get up and bear my testimony before everyone. But even more so, now that we have a little one. I am very grateful to my dear husband who from time to time bears his wonderful testimony. It is indeed a testimony and faith builder to me and our family.
I have the desire to share with you my feelings this beautiful Sunday, as my hubby goes about his priesthood duties and I watch our daughter play.

I am very fortunate to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. The was a time that I didn't have this light. And what a great difference that is. The light of Christ indeed brings life and hope and a new beginning.
This gospel has broaden my understanding that, our Heavenly Father has given us commandments. But He doesn't force anyone to obey them. We have our own freedom to choose what we want to do. As the prophet Isaiah says "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve". We can decide to obey or disobey. But with every choice comes consequences. As for ME and my HOUSE, we will serve the Lord.

How wonderful it is to know that the choice was in your hands and you chose to do what was right? I really feels amazing and empowering.
I chose to get baptized and confirmed into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and it was the best decision I ever made. Because I have been able to receive the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit whenever I need help. And through this, I have felt my Heavenly Father's love for me. What comfort the Holy spirit brings!

I am very grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that He died for me. So that when I am down and broken, I can have the strength to rely on the Lord and my covenants with Him and carry on. How amazing is that? Through the atonement, I receive a confirmation that, I am important to my Father in Heaven and He wants me to return to Him. That is why He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross and take away my burdens so that, the journey back ti Him will be light. What joy this brings to my soul.
I am grateful for the sacrament every Sunday. Because it reminds me of the importance of the atonement and the great sacrifice that was made for my sake. And that gives me the encouragement to do something better.

There are times when I seem to forget and go astray. But thanks to the power of prayer, I am able to be reunited with my Heavenly Father. He is always there with arms stretched. Waiting for us to take that embrace. And prayer always brings us closer to Him. Our Heavenly Father does hear us and listen to our sincere prayers. He listened to mine when I prayed to know the truthfulness of the message the missionaries gave to me. And I cannot deny the feeling that I got. I knew then that my prayer was answered. And whenever I sincerely go to Him in prayer, I feel and know that, He is there and He is listening.
I will urge everyone to sincerely go to our Heavenly Father in prayer and we will receive the warmth and comfort of His spirit.

I have read the book of Mormon and I have prayed about it and I know that it is the word of the Lord. I receive a confirmation every time I read from it. And I know that, Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So that we may all enjoy the fullness of the gospel. There are prophets to be the mouth piece for the Lord on earth. So that we can receive further light and knowledge from the Lord.
I am grateful for the prophet( President Monson) and all his counselors and the all the leaders for their example and service. I know they have been called of God to do His work here on earth. And I know that our Heavenly Father will never let someone lead His children astray. He loves us and always wants the best for us so that we can return safely to live with Him again.

I am grateful for the power of the priesthood. Through which I have been able to receive a patriarchal blessing. And be sealed to my dear husband for all eternity. And for our little daughter to be blessed and given a name by her father. And to be able to receive a blessing when times are hard and I need comfort. I am grateful to have the priesthood in my home. That I do not have to travel far to get a blessing. That I can receive it in the comfort of my own home from a loving husband and father.
For me, that is one of the best preset that anyone can receive.

I am grateful for my family and for all their contributions to my life. I love each and everyone of you. I am not me without you. And I am grateful to know that, the most important thing to me in this life, I can take with me when I die. And that important thing is my family. It is really amazing and mind boggling to know that, an imperfect person like me has this great opportunity to go back to my Heavenly Father, together with my family. And I know that my sweet mother couldn't agree more. Families can be together forever indeed.
And this I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

I guess I had more to say than I thought I did.:) Oh well. We love and appreciate you and we can feel your love both far and near.I wish everyone a good week. We should be giving an update on Kiralie with some pix soon.Until then, God bless!

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