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Met in the most unique way. Tim, Takyiwah, Kiralie, Kimara, Kilan, & Kivana. Living life to the fullest

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Kimara's Birth story

It's been a while since we updated this blog. It's been very crazy in the Parcell household. Trying to adjust to our new roles and enjoying our newest addition. So to start things off again, we will share our birth story and then post pictures. Enjoy :/

Woke up around 1:45am to contractions about 15 minutes apart. Decided to go back to sleep and time it. Timed it for about 30 minutes and decided to get in the tub because they were getting a little intense. By then, they had become about 6 minutes apart. Was in the tub for about 10 minutes and realized it wasn't working. So Tim suggested we go to the hospital. By then, contractions were on top of each other. So it was hard to move. We were able to get me downstairs but I just couldn't move. I knew we weren't going to make it to the hospital so I told Tim to call 911. While he was on the phone with dispatch, I had the urge to push. By then, I was creaming my lungs out. I didn't want to but my body started doing it and so my water came gushing out everywhere. By this time, Tim was being coached into what to do to deliver the baby. I tried o breath through the next couple of contractions. About 3 minutes after broke, EMT's came rushing in. As they got me ready to go, baby had already started crowning. They tried to encourage me to hold it to get to the hospital since it was about 10 minutes away. I tried, but my body just wouldn't listen. Baby was born about 4 minutes before we got to the hospital. There was a team waiting at the ER for us. So EMT handed us over. Thankfully, there was no tearing and baby was doing well and ready to nurse. After a little bit of pitocin, placenta was delivered. Everything happened in 2- 2 1/2 hours I think. And so fast. I didn't think I was going to progress that fast since I was only 3cm dilated and about 50% effaced the day before. But I'm glad I was able to have my natural birth. Even though it wasn't the way we planned it. And by the way, we were scheduled to come in at 7:30am to be induced that morning. Kimara Grace-Serwah Parcell came at around 4:55am at 39+6. she was due 3/10/2012

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