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Met in the most unique way. Tim, Takyiwah, Kiralie, Kimara, Kilan, & Kivana. Living life to the fullest

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Kilan Parcell is Here!!

Estimate due date: 4/6/14
Date of birth: 3/21/14 @4am
Weight: 7lbs 8 oz
Height: 19.5 inches
Born at home. We and big sisters are happy to see him even though he came 16 days early

Our birth story.
I started having contractions around 1:30am on Thursday the 20th. They were intense but very inconsistent. Knowing what happened with Kimara, we tracked it for a bit and called the midwife. They got here around 5:30am. Unfortunately, contractions kept going away and coming back only after my naps. Around noon, I sent them all away cos I really wanted to sleep and it didn't look like contractions were going to come back.

Fast forward to 1:30am on Friday the 21st. I started to contractions again. This time, they were very severe and lasted about a minute and a half. Hubby called midwife after 15 minutes because they just kept coming.
He filled the birthing tub and getting stuff ready and left me to labor(just the way I like it)
Birth assistant got there at 2am, 1st midwife(Marci) came 15 minutes later and the second midwife(Jessica) came 30 minutes after that.
When she checked me, I was 8cm and 90%effaced but baby was still -1 and there was a huge bag of water.

I got in the tub and labored some more. I had back labor with this one as well. So they used counter pressure when the contractions hit and that helped a lot. I also rocked and squatted through some. Around 3:40am, midwife asked if she could check me again and if she could break my water if baby is down enough. I agreed cos I wanted it to be over.
She checked me, broke my water and holy Molly! It was like a dam broke. She said there was at least 3lbs of fluid. I was in bed at the point in my side so she asked me to get down so gravity can bring this baby here.

Well immediately I got down, I had the urge to push. As much as I didn't want to, this baby was coming and there was no stopping him.
My body just went into pushing mode and with 3 huge contractions, he was here. Born at the side of my bed holding on to my hubby for support.
Midwife caught him at 4am and handed him over to me right away and was given a pitocin shot because I was bleeding a little.

I was helped back into bed so I could cuddle him. They changed the layers on the floor and clamped the cord after it stopped pulsing. Baby was then given to daddy so he could also bond with baby while I delivered the placenta and cleaned myself up.
When we were all cleaned up, we returned back to bed with our bundle while the team cleaned up and started a load of laundry.
 They came back to check on me and baby and did his newborn tests.

Kiralie and Kimara were still upstairs and slept through it all.

They were shocked when they woke up to a new baby in the house. Kiralie was just out of control excited. Kimara on the other hand was more disappointed. She loves to give baby brother kisses and all. But she still thinks I've given her place to someone else.
 We are still working on that so she knows no one has taken her place. We have enough love to go around.

Tim who was on the fence about a home birth told me, "it felt right. Just the way it should be"
We are in love with our little man and definitely doing a home birth again.

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